
理财产品 双语职场女上司=职场女魔头

发布日期:2022-04-03 23:01    点击次数:121

理财产品 双语职场女上司=职场女魔头




  They are hormonal, incapable of leaving their personal lives at home and only too happy to talk about their staff behind their backs.  她们很情绪化,不能将个人生活局限在家中,还过分热衷于在背后讨论她们的员工。

  Female bosses are a nightmare to work for, a survey of employees concludes.  最近的一项员工调查显示,有个女上司简直就是梦魇。

  And it is not just men who think so.  而且,持这种观点的不仅仅是男士。

  Two-thirds of women said they preferred a male boss because their straight-talking, `get to the point` attitude makes them easier to deal with.  2/3的女性表示更喜欢男上司,因为他们讲话直率,“直截了当”的态度更容易相处。

  They are also much less likely to have a hidden agenda, suffer mood swings or get involved in office politics, workers said.  此外,员工们还表示,男上司的幕后动机、情绪波动都比较少,也很少卷入办公室政治中。

  About 3,000 men and women were questioned for the research, with three- quarters of men agreeing that they would rather work for a man than a woman.  约3000人参与此项调查。


  A quarter of women accused female bosses of backstabbing and bringing their personal lives into the office.  1/4女性抱怨女上司精于背后暗箭伤人,还把个人生活带到工作中来。

  And a third of those polled said women with power are `loose cannons` who often feel threatened by colleagues. David Brown, of online recruitment firm xxx, which commissioned the research, said: `Incredibly both men and women are in total agreement that men make better bosses - 63 per cent of women and 75 per cent of men.  1/3调查者表示,女领导总是我行我素,经常觉得被其他同事威胁。

英国招聘网站xxx发起了该调查,相关负责人David Brown说:“令人难以置信的是,男人和女人都认为男上司更好--63%的女性和75%的男性持这种观点。

”  This indicates that while women are more than capable of progressing to a management role, some lack some of the key skills required to be a good boss.  从以上调查来看,虽然女性有能力成为管理人员,有些人却缺少优秀领导所应具备的关键技能。

  No one is suggesting that women aren`t intelligent enough to be in senior positions, far from it, but perhaps-some need to be more approachable and less competitive.  但是,这并不表示女性的智慧不足以胜任高层职位,远非如此。


  People want to go to work knowing they will be given a fair chance and are supported 100 per cent by those they work with and for.`  人们工作是希望自己能被平等对待,并得到同事和上司的全力支持。

  Fifteen per cent of the workers questioned said female bosses were too `sharp tongued` and a third said it was obvious when it was their `time of the month` because of mood swings.  15%的受调查员工表示,女上司"说话刻薄",1/3人表示每月的“特殊时期”,她们会因情绪波动而变得更加刻薄。

  Other negative assessments included them being `too cliquey`, too competitive and spending too long worrying about their appearance.  对女上司的其他负面评价还包括排外、求胜心切、过于关注自身形象。

  Forty per cent said men were more able to distance themselves from politics and bitching and 14 per cent said they found them more reasonable than women.  40%受调查者认为,男上司能主动远离公司政治和牢骚,14%认为男上司比女上司更通情达理。

  Those who prefer a female boss said they did so because women are more approachable, friendly and understand when workers need time off to look after their children.  而那些喜欢女上司的人则表示,女上司更平易近人,而且知道员工什么时候需要请假照看孩子。

  Mr Brown added: `We shouldn`t forget that a third of those polled did say women are better to work for.`  Brown先生还说:“我们应该记得1/3受调查者表示,为女上司工作更好。

”  The study found that the average worker has had two female and three male bosses.  调查发现,平均每个员工都有过两个女上司,3个男上司。

  A third have left a job because they didn`t like their boss, and of these, the majority of women claimed they left because of a female manager.  1/3受调查者因不喜欢上司而离职,而在这些人中,大多数女性声称女上司是自己离开的原因。